

Best Answer

In the King James version

the word - a - appears 8177 times

the word - I - appears 8854 times

the word - O - appears 1065 times

There are also the following two letter words

the word - Ah - appears 18 times

the word - Ai - appears 36 times

the word - Am - appears 874 times

the word - an - appears 1699 times

the word - Ar - appears 6 times

the word - as - appears 3520 times

the word - at - appears 1570 times

the word - be - appears 7013 times

the word - by - appears 2624 times

the word - do - appears 1368 times

the word - Ed - appears 1 times

the word - Er - appears 11 times

the word - go - appears 1492 times

the word - Ha - appears 2 times

the word - he - appears 10420 times

the word - Ho - appears 4 times

the word - If - appears 1595 times

the word - In - appears 12667 times

the word - Ir - appears 1 times

the word - is - appears 6989 times

the word - it - appears 6129 times

the word - Je - appears 1 times

the word - lo - appears 159 times

the word - me - appears 4096 times

the word - my - appears 4368 times

the word - no - appears 1394 times

the word - of - appears 34617 times

the word - Og - appears 22 times

the word - Oh - appears 38 times

the word - on - appears 2011 times

the word - or - appears 1121 times

the word - ox - appears 64 times

the word - so - appears 1689 times

the word - to - appears 13562 times

the word - up - appears 2380 times

the word - Ur - appears 5 times

the word - us - appears 1451 times

the word - Uz - appears 7 times

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Q: What is the shortest word in the Bible?
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What is the smallest Bible verse?

The smallest Bible verse is found in the New Testament, specifically in the book of John, chapter 11, verse 35. The verse simply states, "Jesus wept." This verse is only two words in English, making it the shortest verse in the Bible.

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The shortest chapter in The Bible is Psalm 117 (which is coincidentally, just about exactly in the middle of The Bible.)

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The shortest book in the bible with 13 verses is 2 John

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The shortest chapter is Pslam 117.

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ZaccheusAnswer:According to the Bible: "Bildad" would have to be the shortest. He was a "Shuhite" [Job 2:11].

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No, Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter in the Bible with only two verses. Psalm 23 is longer with six verses.

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The shortest English word is 'a'.

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Jesus weep-ed is one i know that's the shortest one ever in the bible.

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The longest chapter of the Bible is Psalm 119. The shortest chapter of the Bible is Psalm 117. Psalm 118 is the chapter located at the center of the Bible.

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Job 3:2 "He said:" is the shortest.