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Praised Be to God

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Q: What is the most common word in the psalms?
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What is the most commonly used word in psalms?

The most commonly used word in the Book of Psalms is "lord" or "Yahweh," which refers to God. It is used over 7,000 times throughout the Psalms.

How many times is the word you in psalms?

The word 'you' appears at least 10 times in Psalms of the King James Version (KJV).The count will vary depending on which translation you use.'You' is a very common English word found in every book of the Bible.

How many times is the word lord mentioned in book of psalms?

In the King James version the word - LORD - appears 7830 times - - - 779 times in the Book of Psalms the word - lord's - appears 134 times - - - 8 times in the Book of Psalms the word - lordly - appears once - - - not at all in the Book of Psalms the word - lords - appears 42 times - - - once in the Book of Psalms the word - lordship - appears twice - - - not at all in the Book of Psalms

What was the Largest book in Bible?

In the King James version the Book of Psalms has the most chapters - 150 the Book of Psalms has the most verses - 2461 the Book of Psalms has the most words - 42688 the Book of Psalms has the most letters - 221587

Who is the writer of most Psalms?

David has written a lot of Psalms .

What is the most common word in America?

The most common word in the English language is the word the.

Second most common word?

The second most common word is 'be'

What is the center word of the bible?


How many times is the word refuge used in the book of psalms?

The word refuge is used SEVENTEEN times in the Book of Psalms (KJV).

How many times is the word cry mentioned in the Psalms?

The word "cry" appears 29 times in Psalms in the King James Version.

What is the most common curse word?

The most common curse word is hell

Is love the most common word used in bible?

No, the most common word is Lord.