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Q: What is the longest scripture verse in the King James version of the Bible?
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Where can you find the word abat in scripture?

The word "abat" is not found in the King James version of the Bible.

Where in the bible is the scripture about three score and ten?

Psalm 90:10 in King James Version

What are the words for ESV Bible?

ESV stands for English Standard Version. This bible is literal word for word translation of Scripture. It was created in response to the need for a bible that had the literal translation style of the King James Version with contemporary language.

How many times does scripture mention men?

The word "men" is in the King James Version of the Bible 1654 times. It is in 1489 verses.

How many times does the wordDesire appear in scripture?

The word "desire" is in the King James Version of the Bible 111 times. It is in 109 verses.

What was the date that the King James Version Bible was completed?

King James version of the Bible was completed in 1611.

How many times is shall mentioned in bible?

In the King James version the word 'shall' appears 9838 times

What is nw version of the bible?

The New International Version of the Bible NIV and the New King James Version of the Bible NKJV.

Are the ten commandments in the king James bible repeated in the new testiment?

The King James Version of the Scripture is to be an accurate account of all scripture within the bible. The 10 Commandments are such and therefore copied and translated over into the English. It is curious to realize that in the time of the Apostles, if you spoke of Ot or Nt, they would probably look at you as if you were strange. These terms did not exist.

Did Catholics change the biblical stories in the King James Version of the Bible?

The King James Version is a translation of the Bible in English by King James I of England. It is not considered a Catholic version.

What year was the King James version of the Bible first published?

The King James version of the Bible was first published in 1611.

How many words are in the King James Version?

There are 783,137 in the King James Version of the Bible. This Bible was translated in the year 1611. There is a more modern English version called the New King James Version.