The largest number you can write using Roman numerals without an overline at any symbol is 3999 (MMMCMXCIX), and the largest possible number is 3999999 (MMMCMXCIXCMXCIX, with an overline over the first nine letters.
MDC = 1600
1660 MCLX
The Roman numerals for the number 2 are "II". Consequently, to represent the 2 Australian Olympians using Roman numerals, we would write "II".
The roman numerals that represents the number 985 are : CMLXXXV. There are certain rules that must be followed when using roman numerals. Roman numerals are seldom used like they were about fifty or sixty years ago, it is not as common.
C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5 and I = 1 so the biggest value number you could make just using those numerals in a different order would be 166, which is CLXVI
MDC = 1600
1660 MCLX
The number 947 in Roman numerals would be CMXLVII
The answer depends on how many more millennia they keep using Roman numerals!
The Roman numerals for the number 2 are "II". Consequently, to represent the 2 Australian Olympians using Roman numerals, we would write "II".
The roman numerals that represents the number 985 are : CMLXXXV. There are certain rules that must be followed when using roman numerals. Roman numerals are seldom used like they were about fifty or sixty years ago, it is not as common.
C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5 and I = 1 so the biggest value number you could make just using those numerals in a different order would be 166, which is CLXVI
DCCLXIV (can also be DCCLXIIII).
1666 = mdclxvi
The largest number you can write using the Roman numerals I, C, X, V, and L only once each is 149. It is represented as CXLIX, where C is 100, XL is 40, and IX is 9.
Using integers: IXV or as XIV in today's notation = 14 Using fractions: S:. = 6/12+2/12+1/12 = 9/12 or as 3/4