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The eighth month of the year is August.

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Q: What is the eighth month of the year?
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Is october the eighth month of the year in any country?

Not any more, but it was the eighth month in the Old Roman calendar.

What month before the eighth month of the year?

July = 7th August = 8th

Were does the name October come from?

The name of the month October comes from the Latin for 'eighth', because in the old Roman calender October was the eighth month of the year.

What number of the month is August?

August is the eighth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars and is denoted by the number 8. Originally, it was the sixth month in the Roman calendar, which only had 10 months total, but when January and February were added in 700 BC, August became the eighth month.

How many days are in the 8th month?

The eighth month of a year of the Gregorian calendar, August, has 31 days.

What are the months between July and October?

July is the seventh month of the year, while October is the tenth month of the year. The months between July and October are August, the eighth month, and September, the ninth month.

What number is the month august?

August is the eighth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars and is denoted by the number 8. Originally, it was the sixth month in the Roman calendar, which only had 10 months total, but when January and February were added in 700 BC, August became the eighth month.

October was named after what or who?

The month of October gets its name from the Latin word "octo," which means eight. In the original Roman calendar, October was the eighth month of the year before January and February were added to make it the tenth month.

What month used to be the eighth month of the year?

October was originally the 8th month in the Roman calendar. The name "October" comes from the Latin word "octo," meaning eight.

How many words in this sentence start with the same letter as the eighth month of the year in the western calendar?


What month is named after the eighth octo mouth of roman years?

October was derived from octo (8) because it was the 8th month of the Roman year. This was so because the Roman year started in March.

Why isn't October the eighth month?

October is the tenth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. October is the eighth month in the old Roman calendar, October retained its name (from the Latin "octo" meaning "eight") after July and August, after Julius and Augustus Caesar respectively, when the calendar was originally created by the Romans.