April 29th 2009 can also be written as 04-29-2009 and the Roman numerals for this date would be IV.XXIX.MMIX
The date 17-04-2009 in Roman Numerals would be XVII.IV.MMIX
The date of birth 12-02-2009 in Roman numerals would be XII.II.MMIX
It is Good Friday and today's date is April 22 2011 which in Roman numerals is IV-XXII-MMXI
The date 25-01-2009 in Roman numerals would be XXV.I.MMIX
April 29th 2009 can also be written as 04-29-2009 and the Roman numerals for this date would be IV.XXIX.MMIX
The date 17-04-2009 in Roman Numerals would be XVII.IV.MMIX
The date of birth 12-02-2009 in Roman numerals would be XII.II.MMIX
It is Good Friday and today's date is April 22 2011 which in Roman numerals is IV-XXII-MMXI
The date 8-14-2009 in Roman numerals would be VIII.XIV.MMIX
The date 25-05-2009 written in Roman numerals would be XXV.V.MMIX
The date 13-06-2009 in Roman numerals would be XIII.VI.MMIX
The date January 8th 2009 can also be written as 01-08-2009 and in Roman numerals this would be I.VIII.MMIX
The date 25-01-2009 in Roman numerals would be XXV.I.MMIX
The date 10-17-2009 can be represented by the Roman numerals X.XVII.MMIX
The date June 20th 2009 can also be written as 06-20-2009 and in Roman numerals this would be VI.XX.MMIX
The date September 23rd 2009 can also be written as 09-23-2009 and this can be represented by the Roman numerals IX.XXIII.MMIX