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Q: What is the Tamil name for the gem peridot?
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What is the Tamil name for the gem amethyst?

The Tamil name for the gem amethyst is 'கருணைப் பகவான்' (Karunai Pakavāṉ).

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The Tamil name for the gem red coral is "மஞ்சள் கல்" (Manchal kal).

What is gem in Tamil?

A gem is referred as a navarathinakkal in Tamil.

How did peridot get its name?

Peridot likely got its name from the Arabic word "faridat," which means gem, or from the French word "peritot," which means ambiguous, because peridot can easily be confused with other green gems like emerald.

What is the crystal structure for Peridot?

Peridot (gem quality olivine (the mineral)) is in the orthorhombic crystal system.

What gem is the birthstone of August?

august gemstone is peridot

When Garnet and Peridot fuse what gem will they be Steven Universe?


What is the price of the PERIDOT gem per carat?


What is the Value of Peridot?

10K ( I belive) Peridot the gem stone I have seen .25 CT. go for as little as $20.00 US

Does the gem stone peridot come from the planet Mars?

No peridot is a mineral gemstone that forms naturally n in the Earths crust.

What is the difference between peridot and peridot quartz?

Peridot is a gem-quality variety of the mineral olivine, while peridot quartz is a type of quartz that may contain inclusions of peridot. Peridot is typically yellow-green to green in color, while peridot quartz will have the characteristic appearance of quartz with possible green inclusions.