The roman numeral for 2000 is MM.
2000. Z is not a recognized Roman numeral and the Roman numerals for 2000 are MM.
2000 = MM
Roman numerals where originated 2000 years ago
MM or mm are Roman numerals equivalent to 2000
The roman numeral for 2000 is MM.
Z is not a Roman numeral. The Roman numerals are I, V, X, L, C, D, M.
2000. Z is not a recognized Roman numeral and the Roman numerals for 2000 are MM.
2 is not a Roman numeral. MM represents 2000.
Mm m=1000. Mm=2000.
2000 = MM
2,000 is M M
Roman numerals where originated 2000 years ago
MM or mm are Roman numerals equivalent to 2000
They are MM and MMMD respectively