Because the last chapter of the Bible was written about 1700 years before the United States was founded.
The longest chapter of the Bible is Psalm 119. The shortest chapter of the Bible is Psalm 117. Psalm 118 is the chapter located at the center of the Bible.
chapter 2
Psalms 119 is the longest chapter in the bible.
Genesis, Chapter 3. If you are asking about the third book of the Bible, it is Leviticus.
The last chapter(s) of the Book of Revelation.
The Bible Book of Revelation, chapter 20.
Because the last chapter of the Bible was written about 1700 years before the United States was founded.
In Revelation chapter 22 verse 15
The last chapter of the New Testament in the Bible is Revelation 22.
The longest chapter of the Bible is Psalm 119. The shortest chapter of the Bible is Psalm 117. Psalm 118 is the chapter located at the center of the Bible.
Chapter 7 of the bible will always be chapter 7.
The word 'penitence' does not appear in the Bible, and there is no chapter on it.
chapter 2
No. The books of the Bible are usually listed as Book, Chapter : Verse So that last verse in the Mark's third chapter would be referred to as Mar 3:33 - there is no verse 36 to that chapter. As there are only 12 chapters in Mark's Gospel, there is no Mar 33:6.
This is not true. Every book of the Hebrew Bible has a Chapter 4.