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The last chapter in The Bible is from the book of Revelations chapter 22verse 21.

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Q: What is the Last chapter of Bible?
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The last chapter(s) of the Book of Revelation.

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The Bible Book of Revelation, chapter 20.

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Because the last chapter of the Bible was written about 1700 years before the United States was founded.

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In Revelation chapter 22 verse 15

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The last chapter of the New Testament in the Bible is Revelation 22.

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The longest chapter of the Bible is Psalm 119. The shortest chapter of the Bible is Psalm 117. Psalm 118 is the chapter located at the center of the Bible.

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Chapter 7 of the bible will always be chapter 7.

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The word 'penitence' does not appear in the Bible, and there is no chapter on it.

What is the central chapter in the Bible?

chapter 2

Is there a mark 336 bible verse?

No. The books of the Bible are usually listed as Book, Chapter : Verse So that last verse in the Mark's third chapter would be referred to as Mar 3:33 - there is no verse 36 to that chapter. As there are only 12 chapters in Mark's Gospel, there is no Mar 33:6.

Why is there no chapter 4 in the Hebrew Bible?

This is not true. Every book of the Hebrew Bible has a Chapter 4.