This question has already been answered. The conventional conversion of September 9 1996 into Roman numerals is September-IX-MCMXCVI.
The conventional conversion of September 9 1996 into Roman numerals is September-IX-MCMXCVI.
The date 9/3/1996 is written in Roman numerals as: IX/III/MCMXCVI.
Roman numerals represent numbers not words. September is the 9th month and the Roman numeral for 9 is IX.
The conventional conversion of September 9 1996 into Roman numerals is September-IX-MCMXCVI.
The date 9/3/1996 is written in Roman numerals as: IX/III/MCMXCVI.
Roman numerals represent numbers not words. September is the 9th month and the Roman numeral for 9 is IX.
In today's notation of Roman numerals: IX-IX-MCMLXXXVIII
9 in Roman numerals is written as IX.
9-23-2006 = ix-xxiii-mmvi
9-26-2010 = IX-XXVI-MMX
As you asked this question on 15th September 2009, which can also be written as 15-09-2009, this date in Roman numerals would be XV.IX.MMIX
If you write September 09 2009 as 09-09-2009 then you can write using these numerals IX (9) and MM = 2000, so 09-09-2009 becomes IX.IX.MMIX
The Roman numerals for 7,8 and 9 are VII, VIII and IX.