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The Bible is a record of what God wants MAN-kind to know.

The Bible was not written for the angels.

No doubt the angels have their own instructions and messages from God.

Therefore there was probably lots going on in the heavenly realm which involved activities for the angels. God is not one to have his living creatures just sit around idly.

On earth, even animal-LIFE, is constantly doing things.

For that matter, even plant-LIFE, is constantly programmed to do things. They grow, they produce flowers, or fruit, or seed.

Therefore between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2, no doubt there has always been activity going on. As long as there are living things, on earth, or in the heavenly realm, there is always some type of WORK happening. But God did not make mankind privy to everything happening during Universal History. God limited the Bible to the needs of MAN-kind.

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