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Susanna was one of the many faithful women, who, out of their own belongings, cared for the needs of Jesus and his 12 apostles during Jesus' Galilean ministry of 31 C.E

(Luke 8:1-3) . . ."Shortly afterwards he went journeying from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him, and certain women that had been cured of wicked spirits and sicknesses, Mary the so-called Mag′da‧lene, from whom seven demons had come out, and Jo‧an′na the wife of Chu′za, Herod's man in charge, and Su‧san′na and many other women, who were ministering to them from their belongings."


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Q: What gospel mentions Susanna in the Bible?
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Susanna is a character in the Book of Daniel in the Apocrypha of the Bible.

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According to The Bible the first gospel found i it is the Gospel of Matthew, it has a total of 28 chapters in it, this gospel is followed by the gospel of Mark.

What is the first gospel found in the bible?

According to the bible the first gospel found i it is the Gospel of Matthew, it has a total of 28 chapters in it, this gospel is followed by the gospel of Mark.

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The bible never mentions anyone named Ali.

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A:There is nothing in any Bible source that mentions the author of John's Gospel being a priest. In fact, the Bible does not even tell us who actually wrote this gospel, because the original text was anonymous. It was only later in the second century, when the Church Fathers were trying to establish who, in their opinions, wrote the four gospels, that it was decided to attribute the fourth gospel to the apostle John. Even if John had been the author, there is nothing in scripture to suggest that he was a priest.

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I do not think the bible mentions it.

Where is the story of susanna in the Bible?

Its in the book of Daniel. Chapter 13. No it is not! There is no Daniel 13; it only goes to 12! There really is no story about Susanna, but in Luke 8:3 it mentions her as one of King Herold's servants. I know this because my name is Susanna! Hope that helped! This statement is not entirely correct. The Protestant Bible only includes up to Daniel 12. Daniel 13 which is part of the Apocrypha "hidden books" of the Bible is found in the Roman Catholic Bible as is the story of Susanna. This portion of the Bible was excluded by a sexton named Julius Africanus because it was not written in Hebrew as the rest of Daniel had originally written but it was written in Greek and therefore considered non-canonical or fable.

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No, there are only 4 gospels: Gospel of Matthew Gospel of Mark Gospel of Luke Gospel of John