It is the equivalent of 9*90 = 810 which in Roman numerals are DCCCX
First, XL represents 40 since L is 50 and X is 10. A larger number following a smaller one causes you to subtract the numbers. L is another 50, so XLL is 90. XLL is not used since XC is shorter and also represents 90.
Those Roman Numerals mean 1991.
It is the equivalent of 9*90 = 810 which in Roman numerals are DCCCX
First, XL represents 40 since L is 50 and X is 10. A larger number following a smaller one causes you to subtract the numbers. L is another 50, so XLL is 90. XLL is not used since XC is shorter and also represents 90.
Those Roman Numerals mean 1991.
it means 1,150 in roman numerals
988 = CMLXXXVIII in Roman numerals
Not a valid sequence for Roman numerals
It does not mean anything because it is an invalid arrangement of Roman numerals
"D" in Roman Numerals equals 500.
In Roman numerals, it means N M C.
Roman numerals don't have a 0 symbol and so it is an invalid arrangement of Roman numerals