An overbar (or macron) means that numeral is multiplied by one thousand (1000). For example, rather than write MMMMM for five thousand, a simple V with the bar would be enough. It also allows numbers up to one million to be easily written without a lot of repetition.
A bar or a line over a particular Roman numeral indicates that it is to be multiplied by a thousand.
A bar over a Roman numeral multiplies the base numeral by 1000. Example: V with a bar over it = 5000
The Roman Numeral for million is a capital M with a bar over it. NOT to be confused with their numeral for thousand which is only a capital M with no bar.
20,000 = XX with a bar over the top. A single bar over a Roman numeral multiplies the value of the numeral by 1000. XX = 20, XX with bar = 20,000
A bar or a line over a particular Roman numeral indicates that it is to be multiplied by a thousand.
A bar over a Roman numeral multiplies the base numeral by 1000. Example: V with a bar over it = 5000
The Roman numeral is XVI. There should be a bar over the X to indicate 10000.
The Roman Numeral for million is a capital M with a bar over it. NOT to be confused with their numeral for thousand which is only a capital M with no bar.
20,000 = XX with a bar over the top. A single bar over a Roman numeral multiplies the value of the numeral by 1000. XX = 20, XX with bar = 20,000
VINCULUM - The bar above a roman numeral
XXV with a bar over all of it
A bar over a Roman numeral indicates that the number is to be multiplied 1000 times. M represents 1000, so an M with a bar over it would be one million.
The bar over the "Numeral" means 1,000 times the numeral. Example, an L means 50 and an L with a bar over it means 50,000
VICCCXCI (but the "VI" would have a bar over the top of it)
The Roman numeral for 1,000,000 is M with a bar over it. The M is the Roman numeral for 1,000 and the bar over it means it is multiplied by 1,000. (1,000 x 1,000 = 1,000,000 M (for 1000) is the largest unique Roman numeral. To make larger ones you draw a line over the numeral to signify it being multiplied by 1000. One million is 1000x1000, so it would be an M with a line above it. One million as a Roman numeral is: (M) which means 1,000*1,000 = 1,000,000