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This first hinges on your faith.

1 Corinthians 2:4-5 says that our faith should not be in man but in the power of God.

Now, to deal more with Doctors....many people say that God gave man wisdom that he may heal the sick. The Bible agrees to a certain extent. Look in the scriptures for any time Jesus or any disciple healed anyone. Where were the doctors? All they did was pray in Jesus name. James the 5th chapter says if there is any sick among you take them to the elders of the church, anoint them with oil, praying the prayer of FAITH and they SHALL be healed. Now, they had physicians then. Where we the mentioned? Luke was a physician. What did he write about (in Luke, and Acts)? Not one mention of medicines (which did exist) or doctors. HE WROTE ABOUT THE POWER OF GOD THROUGH PRAYER IN JESUS NAME! How awesome that God chose a doctor to write the book of Acts where men healed the sick by the power of God(Acts 1:8) and not one mention about doctors and medicines.

Finally, the word sorcery(ex: Revelation 18:23) as seen in the related link below, is the Greek word pharmakeia or pharmacy to us, and it meant the use of medicines and drugs with the use of spells and witchcraft. So, how can God and his people use the very tool that the devil and his people use, which God said had deceived us. The question it deceiving you?

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Q: What does the Bible say about witch doctors?
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