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Historically, revival meant something quite different than what it is often

called today. In recent times, revival seems to be focused on emotional experiences,

the love of God, laughing, happiness, singing, and dancing. There is little

attention given to the bold preaching of God's word. Some churches even schedule


This is in great contrast to the revivals of the past. Some of the greatest

revivals in history, lead by such men as Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon,

Charles Finney, etc... had at their center one thing: repentance. The word of God

was boldly preached, and people became so convicted about the holiness of God and

their total unworthiness, that they fell to their knees in sorrow, contrition,

humility, and reverence for God. The floors of the meeting places would be filled

with people laying on the floor weeping. People were not focused on God's love,

they were focused on God's mercy.

The word "revive" means to bring back to life, or to restore. This is what

revival is supposed to be about. It is meant to bring back or restore our

relationship with the Lord. And, what is it that breaks our fellowship and

relationship with God: SIN. How do we bring back to life that fellowship and

relationship: confession and repentance.

Great revivals of the past were never "scheduled." They happened suddenly and

quite unexpectedly. And when they occurred, whole cities and counties were

miraculously transformed. As these Christians became renewed in their walk with

the Lord, they often found great joy and a renewed passion to share the gospel

with the lost. This resulted in many others coming to faith in Christ. It is

important to understand this point. In revival, one cannot be revived that was

never alive. In other words, revival isn't about reviving or renewing

non-Christians, since they have never been alive in the first place, but rather,

it is about restoring life BACK to the Christian. Hence, the salvation of

non-Christians is not what revival is about, however, it may be a byproduct or

result of it.

In the Bible, we have a number of examples of what could be considered

"revivals" of large groups of people. These revivals shared a common trait: God's

people had fallen away from God into a backslidden condition, and as a result,

their lives were miserable. However, when they repented and obeyed God, their

lives were changed and "revived." For example:

(Judges 10) Israel had fallen into idolatry, and "the anger of the Lord was hot

against Israel" and He sold them into the hands of the Philistines. Israel then

cried out to the Lord in repentance, and God could "no longer bear the misery of

Israel" (Judg 10:16). As a result, He sent a new leader to deliver them from


(2 Chr 15) Judah had strayed and backslidden. God raised up Azariah to boldly

proclaim His word to King Asa and the people of Judah. As a result, they turned

from their backslidden condition back to God, "and the Lord gave them rest"

(2 Chr 15:15).

The book of Nehemiah contains a great example of what can constitute a true revival.

(Neh 1) Nehemiah intercedes on behalf of the sons of Israel in confession and

repentance, and asks God for favor before the king to be allowed to return back

to Jerusalem after the exile.

(Neh 2-4) God grants Nehemiah's request, and allows him to go back to Jerusalem

and rebuild the city wall, which had been destroyed when God allowed His people

to be conquered because of their disobedience and refusal to repent.

(Neh 8) Ezra preached the word of God to the people in the city.

(Neh 9) The descendants of Israel confessed their sins "with fasting, and with

sackclothes, and earth upon them." They spent one-fourth of the day reading from

the book of the law, and another fourth in confession and worship.

(Neh 9:38) The Levites, priests, and leaders wrote up a new covenant to obey God.

(Neh 10) The rest of the people also took an oath to obey God.

Two other places to look at are (Joel 2:12-27)(Hosea 14). In addition, in

(Dan 9:1-23), Daniel gives us an awesome prayer that should serve as an example

to be used in revival.

When Christians turn back completely and wholeheartedly to the Lord in

repentance, we will experience revival. So many Christians pray for this nation

to experience revival and healing, but (2 Chr 7:14) says, "if my people, which

are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and

turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin,

and heal their land." THIS is the formula for revival and healing. If you are

personally in a backslidden condition, this is also how you can experience a

revival in your own life. Humble yourself and repent, possibly even fasting, and

when you do, you will find refreshing (Acts 3:19), mercy (Prov 28:13), and a new

heart and spirit (Ezek 18:31).

(Isa 57:15) For thus saith the high and lofty One That inhabiteth eternity, whose

name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, With him also that is of a

contrite and humble spirit, TO REVIVE the spirit of the humble, And to REVIVE the

heart of the contrite ones. (caps emphasis mine)

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