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80 (50+10+10+10=80)

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Q: What does Roman Numeral lxxx mean?
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What does LXXX mean in Roman Numeral?


What figure does the roman numeral LXXX represent?

Roman numeral LXXX = 80

What is the Roman numeral 80?

The number 80 is represented by the Roman numeral LXXX

What is Roman Numeral 80?

It is LXXX

What Roman numeral is equivalent to the number 80?


What is 80 as a Roman Numeral?

LXXX = 80

What is the Roman numeral for 889?

DCCCLXXXIX (DCCC = 800, LXXX = 80, IX = 9)

What is Roman numeral xlxxx?

does not exist XL = 40 LXXX = 80 no number XLXXX

What is 4986 in roman numeral?

Roman numeral for: 4000 = IV with horizontal bar above it 900=CM 80=LXXX 6=VI Therefore: ..........__ 4986= IVCMLXXXVI

How do you write 80053 in numeral?

Roman numeral for: 80000 = LXXX with horizontal line above it 50=L 3=III Therefore: .............____ 80053 = LXXXLIII

What is Roman Numeral 787?

Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers we get that : roman numeral value for 787 is DCCLXXXVII here, DCC=700 , LXXX=80 and VII=7.

What is the roman numerals of 80000?

After roman numerals surpass 3999 we utilize parentheses to denote multiplication of 1000. In written roman numerals a bar would be placed on top.The roman numeral for 80,000 would be: (LXXX). This translates to:(LXXX) = 50 + 10 + 10 + 10 x 1000 = 80 x 1000 = 80,000