Roman numeral LXXX = 80
The number 80 is represented by the Roman numeral LXXX
DCCCLXXXIX (DCCC = 800, LXXX = 80, IX = 9)
Roman numeral LXXX = 80
The number 80 is represented by the Roman numeral LXXX
It is LXXX
LXXX = 80
DCCCLXXXIX (DCCC = 800, LXXX = 80, IX = 9)
does not exist XL = 40 LXXX = 80 no number XLXXX
Roman numeral for: 4000 = IV with horizontal bar above it 900=CM 80=LXXX 6=VI Therefore: ..........__ 4986= IVCMLXXXVI
Roman numeral for: 80000 = LXXX with horizontal line above it 50=L 3=III Therefore: .............____ 80053 = LXXXLIII
Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers we get that : roman numeral value for 787 is DCCLXXXVII here, DCC=700 , LXXX=80 and VII=7.
After roman numerals surpass 3999 we utilize parentheses to denote multiplication of 1000. In written roman numerals a bar would be placed on top.The roman numeral for 80,000 would be: (LXXX). This translates to:(LXXX) = 50 + 10 + 10 + 10 x 1000 = 80 x 1000 = 80,000