Aryabhata was India's first ''satellite, ''named after a ancient Indian ''mathematician ''''''
Aryabhata, an Indian astronomer and mathematician, was born in December of 476 AD in Assaka, a region of ancient India. He died in December of 500 AD.
Aryabhata Discovered Zero [ 0 ] Numeric Great Indian Mathematician & Astronomer.
She is a very great Mathematician in India
Aryabhata is not from Sri Lanka. Aryabhata is a famous mathematician and astronomer from India in the sixth century AD.
Aryabhata was India's first ''satellite, ''named after a ancient Indian ''mathematician ''''''
zero was invented by great mathematician Aryabhata.
Aryabhata was the leading mathematician.
Aryabhata, a mathematician-astronomer, was born in December 476 AD, Assaka.
Aryabhata was a Scientist from the Gupta Empire period in India.
Aryabhata, an Indian astronomer and mathematician, was born in December of 476 AD in Assaka, a region of ancient India. He died in December of 500 AD.
a great scientist of India