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He can be convicted of a sex crime and put in prison.

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Q: What can happen to a 20 year old guy if he got his 15 year old girlfriend pregnant and her parents want to put him in jail?
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Can an 18th year old go to jail if he gets his girlfriend pregnant that is 16th years old?

It depends if the parents prosecute, but yes.

If you are 19 and your girlfriend is 16 and is pregnant do you have to go to jail?

It depends. If the parents press charges, there is a chance of legal repercussions. You should talk to your girlfriends parents and let them know. If they just find out, there is a chance they might not be as forgiving.

If 18 year old boyfriend got 15 year old girlfriend pregnant can the 18 year old go to jail even though the parents are ok about it?

Yes and so can the girls' parents, too, for child endangerment.

If your seventeen and your girlfriend is fifteen can her parents get you put in jail even if she wanted it more then the boy can that still happen?

doesnt matter what she wanted...she is still underage and below the age of consent.

What happen when you do somthing your parents say not?

you get in trouble and go to jail for it

You slept with an underage boy and you are pregnant but he lied what can happen?

you can go to jail for rape

Can a 19 year old guy go to jail for getting a 16 year old girl pregnant if the parents won't let them see each other?

yes, you know it can happen!

Can you go to jail for getting a minor pregnant in Mississippi if parents don't press charges?

The parents cannot give you permission to break the law. Yes, you can be prosecuted and sent to jail.

What could happen if a 18 year old boy gets a 16 year old girl pregnant in Louisiana?

no matter where you are, that could be considered rape. If she or her parents press charges, you could go to jail.

If your seventeen and your girlfriend is fifteen can her parents get you put in jail?

yes because she not 16 and if you dare have sex with her its stagitory rape

Can a 19 year old be put in jail if his 16 year old girlfriend is pregnant?

no i dont think so that would be not fair

What will happen if a brother and a sister have a baby?

They will look alike and something bad will happen