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The second book of moses called Exodus tells in detail of the freeing of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypyt.

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Q: What book of the Bible talkes about Moses freeing the slaves out of Egypt?
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What book in the bible can you read about God freeing the slaves in Egypt?

The book of Exodus. It's the second book in the Old Testament, the first part of the Bible.

Were the Hebrew slaves in Ancient Egypt aloud a temple to their God?

There is no evidence that the Hebrews were ever in Egypt, let alone slaves, outside of the Bible.

What did Egyptian slaves do?

Most worked as servants in the houses of rich people. Life for a slave wasn't as bad in Egypt as you would think, they were allowed to marry other slaves or even non-slaves! There are records of people freeing slaves and making them their heirs, marrying their children to them or just freeing them to have them as servants instead. There weren't actually many slaves in Egypt. People tend to have ideas about huge numbers of slaves doing heavy work, but the pulling of stones was actually done by cattle. Slaves would have eaten what the servants ate and they were treated similarly.

Which departure does the book of Exodus in the Hebrew Bible refer to?

It refers to the departure of the Jewish slaves from Egypt

How many Israelite slaves were in Egypt?

The Bible states that 600,000 Israelite former slaves were brought out of Egypt by Moses (Exodus ch.12). These were men. To that number must be added their wives and children.

Did Hebrew slaves built the Egyptian pyramids?

No there is no record outside the Bible for the Hebrews to have been slaves in Egypt. If they were then it was in the New Kingdom about 1,000 years after the Giza pyramids were built.

How old was Moses when he set slaves free?

he was only 40 when he set the slaves free

How many Hebrew slaves remained in Egypt during the Exodus?

According to the Bible, there were approximately 600,000 Israelite men (not including women and children) who left Egypt during the Exodus. This suggests that a significant portion of the Hebrew slaves left Egypt with Moses.

Were ancient Egypt slaves white?

most Anciet egypt slaves were greeks and romans.

How many slaves are there in Egypt?

In 2013 there are no slaves.

How man slaves were they in Egypt?

Contrary to popular belief, there actually weren't many slaves in Egypt.

How long Israel become slaves in Egypt?

The Israelites were slaves in Egypt for roughly 400 years .