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Matthew 26:15

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Q: What bible verse do you find Judas received 30 pieces of silver for betraing jesus?
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What scripture mentions thirty pieces of silver appear in the bible?

When Judas, his betrayer, saw that Jesus was condemned, he repented and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders.

What happened to Judas after he died?

After Judas hanged himself, traditionally, he was buried in Potters Field, also called "Field of Blood." His grave cost thirty pieces of silver.

Did Judas betray Jesus if yes why and what did he get in return?

Yes, Judas Iscariot did betray Jesus. According to biblical accounts, he agreed to identify Jesus to the religious authorities in exchange for thirty pieces of silver. This betrayal ultimately led to Jesus' arrest and crucifixion.

Was Judas Iscariot from the tribe of Benjamin?

AnswerBy the time of Jesus, the tribal system had long since broken down and it is unlikely that anyone would really know what tribe they belonged to. moreover, John Shelby Spong (Jesus for the NonReligious) says that Judas Iscariot is probably a literary creation, based in part on the following reasoning:Judas is a variant of Judah. There were 12 disciples, just as in the Genesis account, Jacob had 12 sons. When the sons of Jacob sold Joseph into slavery, it was Judah who sought money and received 20 pieces of silver (Gen 37:26-7). The king was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver (Zech 11:14), which he hurled back into the temple, just as Judas did.Even if Judas Iscariot was a real person, he would be unlikely to have known his ancestry. If, as Bishop Spong suggests, he was not a real person, then he was certainly not from the tribe of Benjamin.

Where was Judas Iscariot buried?

A:The authors of Matthew's Gospel and Acts of the Apostles can not even agree on how Judas Iscariot died, so can hardly be expected to tell us exactly where to find his body. They both have Judas Iscariot dying a satisfyingly horrible death, although in markedly different circumstances. Matthew 27:3-5 says that Judas repented of what he had done and took the thirty pieces of silver back to the Temple and cast them down at the priests. He then went away and committed suicide. The priests spent the money on buying a field known as the potter's field. If this is the correct account, perhaps Judas was buried in the potter's field.In Acts of the Apostles, Judas was no doubt pleased to be suddenly rich, and purchased a field with the money he had received. Unfortunately for him, he fell down and died, his bowels gushing out.

Related questions

Jesus was betrayed by thirty pieces of silver by whom?

Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, who received thirty pieces of silver in exchange for revealing Jesus' whereabouts to the authorities.

For how much was Jesus betrayed by Judas Iscariot to the chief priest?

30 pieces of silver

How many pieces of silver did Judas get?

30 pieces

How much was Judas paid?

Judas was paid 30 pieces of silver for betraying Jesus.

How many pieces of gold and silver did Judas betrade Jesus for?

According to the Bible, Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

How much did Judas get from the Romans?

Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.Judas got nothing from the Romans. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities and they gave him 30 pieces of silver, not the Romans.

What does Judas do after Jesus got arrested?

After Jesus was arrested, Judas regretted his betrayal and tried to return the thirty pieces of silver he had received as payment. When the religious leaders refused to accept the money, Judas threw the coins into the temple and then hanged himself.

How many pieces of silver coins Judas iscariot had?

Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. (It says this in Matthew chapter 27 verse 3) This was, in those days, equivalent to around a month's wages for an unskilled worker. Hardly a King's ransom.

Who betrayded Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?


What is the value of thirty pieces of silver Judas - 55k - Cached?

Some say that those thirty pieces of silver ,paid to Judas Iscariot , was the price paid for an ordinary slave.

Who sold Jesus?

Judas sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver coins.

What did Judas receive for turning over Jesus?

Judas was paid 30 pieces of silver for his act of betrayal.