A.P used when the solgers are walking in a regular pattern ,when we go through stairs ,earth travels around the sun it completes 1 rotation after 12 month, increase of salary of an officer 1000 every year ,speed of an spacecraft 11000m/s ,etc are the examples of A.P.
Sequence of numbers such that difference of any two successive member of the sequence is constant.Such as.....3,5,7,9........ Here in this example 2 is constant.
daily life use in geomatry
when u pass gas
use to move cycle by the rider...
Answerlike using geometry in buildings
uses of arthmetic progression in our life
When quantities in a given sequence increase or decrease by a common difference,it is called to be in arithmetic progression.
Sequence of numbers such that difference of any two successive member of the sequence is constant.Such as.....3,5,7,9........ Here in this example 2 is constant.
daily life use in geomatry
uses of the perimeter in daily life is for example....................
Friction has numerous uses in daily life. Three of these uses are:-Gripping the foodApplying brakes in a vehicleFor walking
ddeteminants is used for.............