The date 1st May 2005 can also be written as 01-05-2005 and in Roman numerals this would be I.V.MMV
The date 01-11-2005 in Roman numerals would be I.XI.MMV
The date 08-29-1987 in Roman numerals would be VIII.XXIX.MCMLXXXVII and the date 03-15-2005 in Roman numerals would be III.XV.MMV
8=VIII March=III(third month) 2011 = MMXI You're welcome (i write with roman numerals in school)
The date August 14th 1957 can also be written as 08-14-1957 and this can be represented by the Roman numerals VIII.XIV.MCMLVII
The date 1st May 2005 can also be written as 01-05-2005 and in Roman numerals this would be I.V.MMV
The date 01-11-2005 in Roman numerals would be I.XI.MMV
The date 08-29-1987 in Roman numerals would be VIII.XXIX.MCMLXXXVII and the date 03-15-2005 in Roman numerals would be III.XV.MMV
8=VIII March=III(third month) 2011 = MMXI You're welcome (i write with roman numerals in school)
The date August 14th 1957 can also be written as 08-14-1957 and this can be represented by the Roman numerals VIII.XIV.MCMLVII
The date 25-05-05 in Roman numerals is XXV.V.V and the date 25-05-2005 is XXV.V.MMV
If your birthday is 18/03/2005 - The roman numeral equivalent is XVII/III/MMVImproved Answer:-18 = XVIII in Roman numerals
To write the date 05 08 2005 in Roman numerals, it would be written as V-VIII-MMV.
It is Good Friday and today's date is April 22 2011 which in Roman numerals is IV-XXII-MMXI
The series of numbers 4.02.05 written as Roman numerals would be IV.II.V If they represent a date then the full date would be either 04-02-2005, which would be IV.II.MMV or if the date was 04-02-1905 it would be IV.II.MCMV