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the twelve disciples i know of for sure

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Q: What are the names of the people in the Bible whose lives were changed by Jesus?
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Why does the Bible influence people?

The bible(holy scriptures) is the end all of truth. For those who know Jesus as savior it is the guideline of life, for the dedicated christian it is the central focus of their lives. An athiest once told me it was the best moral guideline to ever exist, that if people lived by it there would be peace on earth.

Why is The Bible important?

The bible is important because many people have based their lives on its contents. Society's foundations are the words in the bible. For many people, the bible is their favourite book. A lot of what the bible says and encourages people to do is good and morally right. even if some people don't believe in all the things the bible says, most people still agree that many people have done good things because of what the bible says.also, it is important to read at least a basic children's bible because it will help you understand what many people believe in.I would like to say that the all of the above points are important for every religious book I know of.

Why is the bible a book of faith?

the bible is a book of faith because IT TEACHES US about our religion. some parts of the bible for example the story of Johna and the whale are not true. they are made to get a point across about our faith. it also explains the lives of very important church history people. we based our beliefs in the bible

Dose the bible rule cristian lives?

No, the Lord does. The Bible is His rule book/love letter to us.

Is the Bible still relevant to youth today?

Most assuredly every young person should read this wonderful book with all of its wisdom. It is a complete guide to ones life. The Bible's central message and guidelines are timeless and universal. They don't follow the vagaries of fashion or popularity and so are relevant to all people at all times. Even the historical accounts of the consequences of defying and ignoring God are valuable lessons for a youth contemplating the paths their lives will take. Given that the Bible clearly defines Jesus as the Way the Truth and the Life, He provides the ultimate hope and way forward for a truly successful life. Many different editions of the Bible have been printed specifically to help young people understand how these truths apply to them, and indeed how they can apply its contents to their own lives.

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Why do people try to act like Jesus?

we are told in the Bible to model our lives after Christ's

How many lives did Jesus change?

Jesus changed many lives directly, such as the blind man and the leper and his disciples, but if you think about Christians today who are Christian because of him, then he has changed millions, if not billions of lives if you believe in everything Jesus did then you can also say he has changed every persons life who has ever lived, as he died on the cross so that our sins could be forgiven

How is reading the Bible going to help your lives?

well the Bible is about God and how he sent his only son Jesus on the cross for out sins, and the Bible says if u believe that and pray everyday for your enemies, for parents, your needs, and homless people, and pray for your sins to be forgiven, then he will forgive your sins for that is what Jesus did for us.

How were the lives of paul and James changed after Jesus' death?

They went into full time ministry

How does Jesus come to us in your daily lives?

read his word(the bible) and look for everything your blessed with

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Art has changed people's lives because in early history it has shocked people of how well he made a copy of himself.

How did bible change people's lives?

The bible affect the lives of christians today?The bible affect the lives of christians today?

What did the shepherd's think of Jesus?

Jesus must have made a big impact on their lives, as the bible says they went back telling everone whom they met of jesus.

How important the bible in your lives?

It is important as it shows what wil happen in the future, and the teachings of Jesus and warning are there.

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it changed are lives

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It changed people's lives because they could listen to it at home.

What are five ways you remain faithful to Jesus in your everyday lives?

Prayer Fasting Reading your Bible Telling others about Jesus Doing the lord's work