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In the beginning

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Q: What are the first three words of book of genesis in the old testament?
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What are the first three words in Old Testament of the Bible?

"In the beginning...."Genesis 1:1

What are the first 3 words of the gospel of John?

"In the beginning. . ." same at the first three words in the book of Genesis (Old Testament).

What New Testament book and old Testament book start with the same three words?

Genesis and John

What are the first 3 books of the old testament?

In an English translation, the first three words are "In the beginning . . .". In its original language, the first three words are "b'ray-SHEET bah-RAH eh-lo-KEEM . . . " When translated, those three words cover "In the beginning god created . . . ". Hebrew is more efficient with words and syllables than many other languages are.

Where does in the beginning appear in the Bible?

In English translations "In the beginning" are the first 3 words of Genesis, the first book of the Bible.ANOTHER ANSWER:It appears in two places: In Genesis 1 in the Old Testament, and John 1 in the New Testament.The book of John is to the New Testament what Genesis is to Old. They both start at the same place --at the "beginning" of creation.There can only be one beginning... and these two books both make reference to it.

What are the first three words of the New Testament?

FIRST THREE WORDS OF THE NEW TESTAMENTThere are 27 books in all in the New Testament. The first book is Matthew. The first three words in the first verse of the first chapter of Matthew (Matthew 1:1) are: "The book of..." The complete verse of Matthew 1:1 in the King James Version of the New Testament reads "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham."Matthew 1:1 in the New International Version reads: "A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham."

How is patriarchal religion revealed in the old testament?

Reveal from the twelve sons of Jacob, by Jacob's last words to his twelve sons in Genesis 49:

What were the first words of God in the Book of Genesis?

Let there be light

What were the first words of Jesus in the Bible?

That depends on whether you believe that Jesus appeared in the Old Testament or not. If you do, Jesus first recorded words are "Let there be light." If you do not believe in Jesus in Old Testament, His first recorded words were in Luke 2:49, " Why are you looking for me? Don't you know I must do my Father's will."

What are the first three worlds of the constitution?

first.. I think you mean "words" "We The People" are the first three words

What are the first two words of the old testament in the bible?

In English; "In the". In Hebrew, ים.

What percentage of the Old Testament is Genesis?

Genesis is one book out of anywhere between 39 and 50 books, depending on which version of the Old Testament you choose. That would be between about 2.5 and 2 percent - if you choose to count books. However, you might also choose to count chapters or verses, or words. The results will vary a bit, depending how you choose to count.