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Judgment in The Bible speaks of the end times when God will judge those who are dead. Every person will have to answer for what he or she has done. Christians will stand before the judgment seat of Christ. According to scripture, "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. (I Thessalonians 5:2). At the time appointed Christ will take his rightful place as King and every person will acknowledge Him as Lord. This is a time of restoration for God's people but a time of great punishment for the wicked.

The Old Testament contains many announcements from the prophets about upcoming judgment. Most of these are about future times when the wicked are judged and God's people are freed. Judgment in the Bible is also found in the New Testament and especially in the book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible. Many of the verses are interpreted as a time of terrible plagues and the removal of the present heaven and earth to make room for a new heaven and earth.

Prophecies in God's word can seem very distressing and frightening but Christians can be assured that even in the midst of these judgments they will be taken care of. The last day holds some dreadful recompense for those who have chosen not to accept Christ as Savior, for those who have gone their own way. The Word of God says that God has made it evident of His existence and yet some people choose to not believe that God created this world and that He sent His Son to save the world. This gift of salvation is presented to every single person whom ever lived and whom will live in the future.

The Prophets of the Old Testament prophesied about the day of the Lord. Some of those were Amos, Isaiah, Obadiah, Ezekiel, Joel, and Zephaniah. Some of the referrals to the last days include the day of disaster when the wicked will be punished, swarms of locusts, earthquakes, darkness, and famine. Restoration usually always follows punishment. Other mentions in the Old Testament include Daniel who spoke of a time when the dead will rise. Prophecies are spread throughout the New Testament as well.

The New Testament has many tidbits of information in several books that speak of judgment in the Bible. The gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John include descriptions about the disastrous last day. Jesus himself said that the end of time is near and that He will come soon to get His children. Peter wrote about the end time, "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up" (2 Peter 3:10).

The Book of Revelation is the very last book of the New Testament and John the apostle wrote it when exiled on the Isle of Patmos. Revelation goes into great detail about the end when death is thrown into the lake of fire along with the people who do not have their names recorded in the book of life. Judgment in the Bible serves as a warning to those who have not accepted Christ as their personal Savior. "Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindred's of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen" (Revelation 1:7).

The period of time when God intervenes in the lives of people on the earth is coming. The day of the Lord will either bring judgment or blessing to the people there. Blessings will be to those who have accepted Christ as Savior and judgment will fall on those who have not chosen Christ. This day is a day that the Lord finally says that evil has had its way long enough. This will be a great time of blessing for God's children but for those who have turned their back and refused to accept Christ it will be a great time of distress.

The second coming of Christ describes Him coming on a white horse where his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven will be accompanying Him. For those who do not know God, they will suffer eternal punishment and total separation from God. Some sources believe that this time spoken of in the book of Revelation is to happen very soon. Signs of the last days seem to be everywhere. Now is the time for all who have not accepted Christ to do so because one day it will be too late.

The good news is that there is time for people to make Jesus their Lord and Savior. All a person has to do is to be repentant realizing that he or she is a sinner and needs to be saved from sin. When a person becomes repentant he or she needs to ask for forgiveness and then to confess Jesus as Lord believing that He died for their sins. Do not delay this important decision because doing so could mean eternal damnation to those who choose to wait or choose to not accept Christ at all. For those who are not certain the answer is to read God's word and find out what it says about Judgment in the Bible.

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