bullheadedness, determination, doggedness, hardheadedness, mulishness, obstinance, obstinateness, pertinaciousness, pertinacity, perversity, pigheadedness, purpose, reluctance, tenaciousness, tenacity, willfulness
Synonyms for no are, negative, refusal, denial
Synonyms for "adage":ApothegmAphorismAxiomBywordDictumEpigramExpressionMaximMottoPhrasePreceptProverbQuipSaying
The spirit of perverseness refers to a tendency towards doing things that are wicked, immoral, or contrary to what is considered normal or acceptable. It suggests a deliberate inclination towards behaving in a harmful or twisted manner.
They are synonyms.
Relative and kin are synonyms.
They are synonyms.
Are there synonyms for washable
Synonyms for Brake:AnchorBlockConstraintDecelerateDeterrentHaltHindranceObstacleRestraintStop
Synonyms for Brash:ArrogantBoldBrazenCheekyCockyDisrespectfulFlagrantHastyHotheadedImpulsiveMadcapRudeTactlessThoughtlessUntactful
There are no synonyms for pavement.
The synonyms for upon is on
what is the nativeof synonyms