Frivolous: (adj) of little importance, not worthy for serious attention; not meant seriously
Syn: silly, foolish, inane, petty, trifling
Ant: serious, important, significant
The matter seemed so frivolous after her mom was injured.
No. Synonyms is meanings of a word where as Antonyms is the opposite of a word
They are antonyms because they are opposite. Synonyms are the same.
synonyms for inquisitive: curious antonyms for inquisitive; uninterested
They can be antonyms (opposite meanings), not synonyms.
Antonyms: opposite. Synonyms: similar.
Synonyms: moving Antonyms: Fixed, Stationary
go on 4 synonyms & antonyms
there is no synonyms or antonyms for convection current
Synonyms. Synonyms are words the same in meaning and antonyms are opposites
They are synonyms. Synonyms have similar meanings, antonyms have opposing meanings.
they are closer to synonyms than antonyms, although they are not direct synonyms.
No. Synonyms is meanings of a word where as Antonyms is the opposite of a word
Antonyms. Antonyms = Opposites Synonyms = Same Meaning
Synonyms: rule & overpower . Antonyms: follow & serve
synonyms: rabbit, bunny, leporid Antonyms: this is animal