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Q: What are some homophones of the word 'absurd'?
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What are two Homophones for the word projects?

Some homophones for the word "projects" are "prophets" and "prorogues."

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Some homophones for "forward" are foreword, for word, and four word.

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Some homophones for the word "knows" include "nose" and "gnos."

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Some homophones of the word "weak" include week and wick.

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Some homophones for "there" are "their" and "they're."

What is the homophones for the word you?

The homophones for the word "you" are yew and ewe.

Is the word absurd a synonym?

A synonym is a word that means the same, or almost the same. So yes the word absurd could be a synonym form another word or there are synonyms for the word absurd.

Is absurd an adverb?

No. Absurdly is an adverb, absurd is an adjective.

What is the unscrambled word for busdar?

The anagram is absurd. (the question is not)

What are two homophones for the word vain?

Two homophones for the word "vain" are vein and vane.

What is the definition of the homophones of profit?

A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word. "Prophet" and "profit" are homophones.

From what language is the word absurd taken?

The word "absurd" comes from the Latin word "absurdus," which means "out of tune" or "dissonant."