Some adverbs with four syllables are:
When, where, why, and how.
There are four syllables in the word "usually".
four syllables.
The word "complication" has four syllables: com-pli-ca-tion.
com-fort-ab-le has four syllables.
automatic and activity.
Usually it has three syllables (deu-xiem-ment), but in poetry (if needed) or in some part of France (provence) there would be four syllables (deu-xiè-me-ment)
When, where, why, and how.
Liberated has four syllables. The syllables are li-ber-a-ted.
The four syllables of meridian are: Me-rid-i-an.
Psychology has four syllables.
The word "pedestrian" has four syllables.
"Hilarious" has four syllables.
There are four syllables in the word "usually".
The word "information" has four syllables. Each syllable is formed by a vowel sound or a vowel sound with surrounding consonants. In this word, the syllables are in-for-ma-tion.
The word metropolis has four syllables. The syllables are me-tro-po-lis.
The word ingredients has four syllables. The syllables are in-gre-di-ents.