The seven commonly used Roman numerals have the following values...
I = 1
V = 5
X = 10
L = 50
C = 100
D = 500
M = 1000
However by placing a horizontal line above a numeral its value is multiplied by 1000, similarly by enclosing a numeral in brackets its value is also multiplied by 1000.
So [M] = 1000,000 and placing a horizontal line above it would increase its value to 1000,000,000. In the rules of writing Roman numerals you are allowed to repeat a numeral three times in succession so, the numeral [MMM] with a horizontal bar above it would have a value of 3000,000,000
1666 = MDCLXVI
w is not assigned a value in roman numerals.
The value of MMIX in Roman numerals is 2009.
The value of CL in Roman numerals is 150.
L in Roman Numerals = 50
1666 = MDCLXVI
w is not assigned a value in roman numerals.
The value of MMIX in Roman numerals is 2009.
The value of CL in Roman numerals is 150.
L in Roman Numerals = 50
M=1000 anything larger requires a combination of numerals
Do you mean in Roman numerals? If so then 67 in Roman numerals is LXVII.
W has no meaning in Roman numerals, therefore VW is undefined.
Lower case Roman numerals have exactly the same value as upper case numerals
They are an invalid arrangement of Roman numerals and so therefore they have no accredited value.
It has no value because it is an invalid arrangement of Roman numerals but if you meant LXXV then it is 75