

Best Answer

The Old Testament does not reference Christianity.

Another thought:

Actually, without the Hebrew scriptures, the Greek (New Testament) would make no sense...and vice versa. The Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) provide the 'framework' for the coming of the Christ, and though a 'cross' is not mentioned specifically, the principle is, at Deuteronomy 21:23 where it states that anyone hung on a stake (pole/tree) is cursed. This prophesies the death of Messiah, as he was cursed for our sake (Galatians 3:13)(2 Corinthians 5:21) .

Besides this, MANY facets of messiah's DEATH certainly are referenced in the OT.

Just a few examples are:

**Isaiah 53:4-12 - (fulfillment:Matthew 9:2-8; Matthew 20:28)

**Psalm 16:10, Psalm 49:15 - (fulfillment: Acts 2:31+32)(Acts 3:15)

**Psalm 22:16 - (fulfillment: Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34)

**Psalm 31:14 - (fulfillment:(John 20:17)

**Isaiah 42:1-7 - (fulfillment: Matthew 12:18-21)

**Micah 5:2/John 7:40-42/Matthew 2:3-6(fulfillment:Luke 2:4-7)

**Psalm 34:20 - (fulfillment: John 19:33-36)

**Psalm 41:9 - (fulfillment: (Mark 14:18, John 13:18+26)

**Psalm 69:21 - (fulfillment: Matthew 27:48, Mark 15:36, Luke 23:36, John 19:29

**Isaiah 53:1-12 - (fulfillment: Matthew 20:28, Romans 5:6+19, 1Peter 2:24)

**Zechariah 11:12 - (Matthew 26:15, Matthew 27:9)

**Zechariah 12:10 - (fulfillment:John 19:37,Revelation 1:7)

**Zechariah 13:7 (Matthew 26:31)(John 16:32)- (fulfillment:(Mark 14:50)

And there are many more.

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Q: What Old Testament references are there to the cross of Christ?
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What was the Cross called in the Old Testament?

The cross of Jesus is not mentioned in the Old Testament, either directly or indirectly.

Are the testaments and the Bible the same?

There are two testaments in the Bible. The Old Testament is before Christ was born, the New Testament is after Christ was born. And, yes, the Old Testament and the New Testament, together, are the Bible.

Which gospel contains the most references to the Old Testament?

----------------------- Matthew's Gospel contains the most references to the Old Testament, so much so that some believe that it could only have been written for Jews.

Is Christ called blessed in the old testament?


How many times is Old Testament mentioned in the New Testament?

Though direct references to Old Testament passages would have an exact number (I'm afraid I don't know it exactly), it was common for some phrases to be easily recognized among well studied Jewish people, so just because it is not expressly quoted to be from Isaiah, etc, doesn't mean the audience at the time would not have understood it to be an allusion to a well known Old Testament passage. Christians believe that the entire Old Testament is pointing to the work of Christ in the New Testament, and the whole of the New Testament after Christ's sacrifice to atone for sin on the cross, reveals the pictures contained in the Old Testament's rituals and sacrifices. Because of this powerful interrelation, it would be hard to limit this answer to an exact number.Answer:An index in the Jewish New Testament catalogs 695 separate quotations from the books of the Old Testament in the New (Jewish New Testament Publications, Jerusalem, 1989). There are many other passages where the Old Testament is referred to , as in cases where an Old Testament figure is mentioned, but no specific scripture is quoted. Depending on which scholar's work you examine, the number of quotations and references in the New Testament to the Old may be as high as 4,105(Roger Nicole, The Expositor's Bible Commentary , Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1979, Vol. I, p. 617). The Book of Isaiah is most often quoted and is called by many 'the Little Bible.'Answer: The Old Testament is mentioned once: 2 Corinthians 3:14-Sharon G

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The cross of Jesus is not mentioned in the Old Testament, either directly or indirectly.

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The bible is divided into two parts the old and the new testament. The old testament is before the birth of Christ and the New Testament is after Christ was born.

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The word Testament means covenant. The Old Testament describes the old covenant God made. The New Testament describes the new covenant Gad made with humans through Christ Jesus. The Old Testament looks forward to Christ where as the New Testament looks back at the promises of Christ.

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There are two testaments in the Bible. The Old Testament is before Christ was born, the New Testament is after Christ was born. And, yes, the Old Testament and the New Testament, together, are the Bible.

What are the two sections of the bible and what do they talk about?

The Old Testament and The New Testament. The Old Testament pretty much lays down the foundation of the world, talks about the events leading up the birth and death of Christ, and lays down a bunch of rules. It's pretty much packed with Biblical history. The New Testament describes the coming of Christ and his persecution and death on the cross, and God's promise to the world to come again.

What is an Old Testament appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ?

A:Nowhere is the Lord Jesus Christ mentioned in the Old Testament, nor does it contain an actual appearance of Jesus. However, the gospels do symbolically compare Jesus to Adam, Moses, Elijah and Wisdom (Book of Proverbs), so we could choose to regard these as appropriate references.

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The actual meaning of the word Old in the Old Testament is that the bible is made up of two parts, the old testament . The time before the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. And the New Testament after the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.