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Yes. Luke was a greek doctor. I believe he was the only Gentile author.

But most of the New Testament (and Obadiah, Nahum, Jonah in the Old Testament) is written for the benefit of a Jew/Gentile audience even though they are written by Jewish authors.

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Daniel chapter 4 was written by Nebuchadnezzar a gentile
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Q: Was there any gentile writers of the Bible?
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Was the paul in the bible a jew or gentile?

AnswerPaul stated that he was a Jew.

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The word gentile does not appear in any part of the bible.?

That would be correct. There are many words that are not in the Bible. (ie: Catholic, Lutheran; not even the word cross, or Christmas, or Easter, or Halloween) Neither is the word 'Bible', in the Bible.

Why was Luke written?

The Gospel of Luke is a biographical account of Jesus that was specifically attuned to the Greek mindset of the first-century world. In fact, Luke (also the author of Acts of the Apostles) is the only Gentile among all the Bible writers.

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Adam. There were no Jews until much later.

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A Gentile is any non-Jewish person.

How many writers of bible were there?

About 40 writers were used to record the Bible. (2 Peter 1:20, 21)

How many human writers produced parts of the Bible?

Most say there are 40 writers of the various works in the Bible.

Who was the first Jew to marry a Gentile?

No one knows, but in the Bible, it was probably Moses.

Were The Bible writers conscious?

Absolutely. It is quite difficult to write effectively while unconscious. If you were asking did any of the writers have visions or dreams to record in Scripture, then that answer is a resounding Yes.

Who were German Gentiles?

By definition, any person who is not a Jew is a Gentile. Gentile is the English word for the Hebrew word Goyim, which means "nations". Therefore, any person who isn't Jewish is a Gentile.

How long does the Bible say the gentile rule will rule?

The bible does not tell us how long the "Times of the Gentiles" will last, but many persons believe the time is soon coming when it will be over. The Gentile rule will last until the Second Coming of Christ has arrived.