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No! Only Matthew and John were of the original twelve. Mark is John Mark the nephew of Peter who travelled with Paul and Barnabas and wrote down the memoirs of Peter (the gospel according to Mark) while Peter was in prison in Rome awaiting his martyrdom. Luke was a fellow co-worker of Paul and a very learned man...he was a physician and wrote in classical Greek. Mark and Kuke were disciples of Apostles.

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Q: Was luke mathew john and mark the original i2 apostles of Jesus?
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the new testament, and if your unfamiliar with the bible that would be books like, but not limited to, Mathew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts of the Apostles etc. Since this is the only written record of Jesus's life (about the same as Harry Potter and Santa) it's doubtful Jesus existed.

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The appropriate term is "The Gospels" which are Mathew Mark Luke and John.

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Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. All give their own accounts of the life of Jesus.

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