999 = CMXCIX
999 = CMXCIX
The Roman numeral IM means -1+1000 = 999
In todays notation of Roman numerals they represent: 999
The longest Roman numeral under 1000 is CMXCIX, which represents the number 999. This is the longest because it combines the largest Roman numeral symbols in descending order from left to right: CM for 900, XC for 90, and IX for 9. Roman numerals are additive, so the longest numeral is typically one that requires the most symbols to represent a number.
In accordance with the rules governing the Roman numeral system made up during the Middle Ages and centuries after the Romans had quit England, 999 in Roman numerals is today reckoned to be CMXCIX and half of this would work out as CDXCIXS (499.5) But in all reality the Romans themselves would have most probably wrote out 999 simply as IM and half of this work's out as SD (-0.5+500 = 499.5) Note that the Roman numeral for a 1/2 looks like the letter S and its Latin name is 'semis' which means a half.
It is: DCCCCLXXXXVIIII = 999 although some would say it is DCCCLXXXVIII = 888 because under today's rules now governing the Roman numeral system 999 is now considered to be CMXCIX but the ancient Romans would have worked out the equivalent of 999 as DCCCCLXXXXVIIII which can be abridged to IM = -1+1000 = 999
Notwithstanding todays modern conversion of 999 into Roman numerals which is now considered to be CMXCIX inasmuch that the ancient Romans would have probably added together the equivalent of 777 and 999 in either of the following formats:- Abridged format: DCCLXXVII+IM = MDCCLXXVI => 777+(1000-1) = 1776 Elongated format: DCCLXXVII+DCCCCLXXXXVIIII = MDCCLXXVI => 777+999 = 1776 QED