

Was Albert Einstein left handed

Updated: 9/13/2023
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12y ago

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I would also like to know the complete answer. There seems to be people that are quite sure of themselves giving both answers. I have seen a few images of him with a chalk in his right hand. As a left hander though I also write on the board with my right hand as many left handers do (you have to for cursive or the chalk bounces). I think it would be fair to assume he may have been right handed (at least at writing), even if he wasn't originally he would have most probably been forced to use his right hand in school anyway.

Hence you can't really be certain based on his writing hand alone so I had a look for him doing something very natural that he couldn't have been forced to switch hands with (in this case holding his pipe) and interestingly (to my surprise also), in all the images he seems to be using his left hand. Perhaps he was left handed but because he wrote with his right hand we get a lot of controversy.

I think whatever the case Einstein was a notoriously visual thinker, which is attributed to the right side of the brain (that left handers use and which is undoubtedly linked to the much higher percentage of left handed artists). I remember they found he had a much higher neuron density connecting the 2 halves (I'm a bit rusty though so if someone could confirm that...). I guess really, he probably got his genius from using both halves of his brain, and not specifically being left or right handed. That's what I would say anyway

Another opinion:

He was left-handed. The photos showing him writing with his right hand were laterally reversed so that it would look like he belonged to the "right", the "majority".

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