

Using Butterworth Filter in Matlab

Updated: 10/31/2022
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13y ago

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% program to design butterworth low pass filter


clear all;

close all;

alphap=input ('enter the pass band ripple');

alphas=input('enter the stop band ripple');

fp=input('enter the pass band freq');

fs=input('enter the stop band freq');

F=input('enter the sampling freq');


%to find cut off freq and order of the filter


% system function of the filter













ylabel('phase angle');


title('phase angle');

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Q: Using Butterworth Filter in Matlab
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How do you make graph from an equation in Matlab?

Initially, the equation can be directly realized using Matlab source code. Then various inputs can be applied to it. These values can easily be plotted on a graph using plot or stem command in Matlab.

Convolution in matlab using for loop?

There are a lot of convolution functions in matlab, mostly in the signal processing toolbox, so it depends on what you want to do. Matlab has extensive help files available online.

How do you modulate in matlab without using matlab tools?

You would have to write your own code for a modulation (Matlab has a convolution function not in the tools), otherwise you can use its built in function in the signal processing toolbox.

How do you convert sequence of images to video in matlab?

You can do this by selecting the sequence of images you want to animate and then using the Matlab's function called "im2frame". This will result in a video.

MATLAB code for FIR filter design in rectangular window using genetic algorithm?

Here is an example MATLAB code for designing an FIR filter with a rectangular window using a genetic algorithm: % Define the desired filter specifications Fs = 1000; % Sampling frequency Fc = 100; % Cutoff frequency N = 51; % Filter order % Define the fitness function for the genetic algorithm fitnessFunc = @(x) designFIR(x, Fs, Fc); % Define the genetic algorithm options options = optimoptions('ga', 'Display', 'iter', 'MaxGenerations', 100); % Run the genetic algorithm to find the optimal filter coefficients [x, fval] = ga(fitnessFunc, N, options); % Design the FIR filter using the obtained coefficients filter = fir1(N-1, x); % Plot the frequency response of the designed filter freqz(filter, 1, 1024, Fs); In the above code, designFIR is a user-defined function that evaluates the fitness of an FIR filter design based on its frequency response. The genetic algorithm is then used to optimize the filter coefficients to meet the desired specifications. Finally, the designed filter is plotted using the freqz function.

Related questions

What is another name for a low pass filter?

Butterworth filter

How would one explain a butterworth filter?

The Butterworth Filter is a signal processing filter that is very renowned for things such as being able to solve "Impossible" math equations and doing things that would normally trouble a human.

What is the difference between the Butterworth filter and the Chebyshev filter?

The phase linearity of the Butterworth is better than that of the Chebyshev. In other words, the group delay (derivative of phase with respect to frequency) is more constant with respect to frequency. This means that the waveform distortion of the Butterworth is lower. Of course, with a single input frequency, there is no waveform dostortion in either filter. Another point to consider; the Butterworth filter is completely defined mathematically by 2 parameters: Cutoff frequency and number of poles. The Chebyshev filter has a third parameter: Passband Ripple.

What is the main characteristic of a Butterworth filter?

Butterworth filter works as an ideal low pass filter.Butterworth filter is best suited for the closed loop gain to be as close to 1 as possible within the passband.Roll-offs become steeper,they approach the ideal filter more closely.

Advantages and disadvantages of butterworth filter?

Advantage is that it has the most flat passband meaning that it is very good at simulating the passband of an ideal filter. The disadvantage is that it has a horrible stopband because it gradually goes to zero so some parts of the stopband are still passed. However, for an nth-order Butterworth Filter, as n increases, the closer it is to an ideal filter. However, it is highly impractical to build a ridiculously high order Butterworth filter.

How do you make graph from an equation in Matlab?

Initially, the equation can be directly realized using Matlab source code. Then various inputs can be applied to it. These values can easily be plotted on a graph using plot or stem command in Matlab.

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no way... use awgn function in matlab

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You can MATLAB from Java by using the matlabcontrol library available at link1. A walkthrough to get you started can be found at link2

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There are a lot of convolution functions in matlab, mostly in the signal processing toolbox, so it depends on what you want to do. Matlab has extensive help files available online.

How do you modulate in matlab without using matlab tools?

You would have to write your own code for a modulation (Matlab has a convolution function not in the tools), otherwise you can use its built in function in the signal processing toolbox.

Are there any non-butterworth implementations of Linkwitz-Riley Crossover arrangement?

It depends on how you look at it; the Butterworth filter is probably the only filter with absolutely flat response in the passband, and the knees/slopes of the filters of the Butterworth filters add upp more or less perfectly at the crossover (for example in a loudspeaker filter). The Linkwitz-Riley is built up through putting two filters in cascade, and it has an absolutely flat passband. As soon as you find a filter that can be arranged in cascade and that has an absolutely flat passband; you're there! And when/if you're "there", you will probably come to the conclusion that the filter you found turned out to be a Butterworth... =/ Some might yell out: "what about ChebyshevII?" Well, that one does not have that smooth knee of the Butterworth, and it has the stopband ripple that has to be taken into account. Here's an idea: Throw together two Chebyshevs in cascade (series) and find a good motivation to why it's a good filter, and you can name it after yourself. Sick but true!

How do you convert sequence of images to video in matlab?

You can do this by selecting the sequence of images you want to animate and then using the Matlab's function called "im2frame". This will result in a video.