To write twenty in Roman numerals, you simply write the letter X.
It is: 120 = CXX in Roman numerals
The number six is written VI in Roman numerals.
The Roman numerals for 27 are XXVII. In Roman numerals, the symbol "X" represents 10, the symbol "V" represents 5, and the symbol "I" represents 1. Therefore, "XX" represents 20, "V" represents 5, and "II" represents 2, which when combined, gives us 27.
To write twenty in Roman numerals, you simply write the letter X.
It is: 120 = CXX in Roman numerals
The number six is written VI in Roman numerals.
The Roman numerals for 27 are XXVII. In Roman numerals, the symbol "X" represents 10, the symbol "V" represents 5, and the symbol "I" represents 1. Therefore, "XX" represents 20, "V" represents 5, and "II" represents 2, which when combined, gives us 27.
In Roman numerals: XXI
There are twenty.
Roman numerals only apply to numbers. so April can't be in roman numerals, but seven is VII
Seven tens or 70 is written LXX in Roman numerals.
Twenty-two in numbers is 22. In Roman Numerals, it is XXII.
Twenty-eight is XXVIII in Roman numerals.