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The Old and New Testament of the Holy Bible does not come from memories. The books were written by men under the inspiration of Holy Spirit.

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Arnaldo Bergnaum

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โˆ™ 3y ago
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โˆ™ 10y ago

The Old and New Testament of the Holy Bible does not come from memories. The books were written by men under the inspiration of Holy Spirit.

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the old and new testaments come fro the memories of?

The Old and New Testament of the Holy Bible does not come from memories. The books were written by men who were inspired by Holy Spirit.

What did the Christianity gain from Judeo?

Judaism-believes the Old Testament and that the messiah which the Old Testament fortells has not come. Christianity- believes the Old Testament and the New Testament and that the Messiah which the Old Testament fortells has already come. John 3:16 (in New Testament) "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that who so ever believes in Him shall not parish but have everlasting life. " Jesus Christ is this Son/Messiah, according to the New Testament.

What links the old and New Testament?

The Old Testament laid the foundation for the coming of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. The New Testament fulfills the prophecies and promises made in the Old Testament, showing how they are interconnected and part of the overarching narrative of God's plan for humanity. Jesus himself often referenced the Old Testament scriptures to demonstrate how they foretold his arrival and mission.

Is Isaiah in the old testament or new testament?

The Old Testament.

Is John in the old or new testament?

New Testament

Does reading from the Old Testament come before the New Testament in a Mass?

Yes, the readings usually follow the plan: Old Testament, Psalm, New Testament (Epistle or other non-Gospel reading), Alleluia verse, Gospel in a Sunday Mass. The Second reading is omitted during the week, and the first reading may be from either the Old Testament or the New Testament.

Was the New Testament part of the orginial part of the bible or was added later?

The New Testament books were all written after Christ's resurrection. It is a separate testament from the Old Testament. We can see looking back all the many hints given in the Old Testament of a new and better testament to come, but hind sight is 20 20, as it was in large part hidden from the people living in the time of the Old Testament. All of the books of the Old Testament were written 400 years before Christ and earlier. The New Testament, as the Old Testament are both completely inspired by God.

Do the Old and New Testament come from the memories of their authors?

AnswerNo. Scholars have established that in almost every case, the books of the Bible were written long after the events they describe, sometimes centuries afterwards, by authors who were not eyewitnesses to the events they described.

Is Abraham in the new testament or Old Testament?

Abraham is first mentioned in the Old Testament.

Was st Stephen in the Old Testament or New Testament?

New Testament

How many books are in the old and New Testament?

There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.

The what is divided into the old and new testament?

The bible is divided into the old and new testament.