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there are re sons that suicide is illegal no one cares if someone dies without involving the public but you must understand that if you lets say jump off a building and you fall in front of a person who is just walking home from their job or doing something other and they see the lifeless person that has fallen from the sky because well they could just not take life anymore either because they were going through a rough patch or because they fell as if they are already dead now you tell me how you would feel if you saw this and I'm not talking about the TV shows in real life i suppose it is an unbearable thing to see. i myself am going through a rough patch but I'm 13 and i know there is more to life than i would ever think of and ever be able to think of i have also had death thoughts but i have seemed to think my way through them and i realised while realizing how much others in different country's are suffering i realize that my life is quite wonderful.

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Q: Should you have the right to commit suicide?
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You should call 911 immediately. They will send someone right away who has experience with that type of stress.

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Actually you should NEVER commit suicide from anything! It doesn't help you in life. It just makes the people that really knew that person "depressed!"

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I feel like this isn't a question that can get a factual answer. This is a question based on your personal moral opinion. As for me, I don't think anyone should be "allowed" to commit suicide; however, a person with mental illness has as much right over their body as someone who does not.

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