In Roman numerals, it means N M C.
There is no N in roman numerals, but M means thousand.
Nothing. 'n' is not a Roman numeral.
"n" is not one of the symbols used in traditional Roman numerals.
N is not a Roman numeral.
In Roman numerals, it means N M C.
There is no N in roman numerals, but M means thousand.
Nothing. 'n' is not a Roman numeral.
"n" is not one of the symbols used in traditional Roman numerals.
N is not a Roman numeral.
It is: 8 = VIII
They are: N-CC
It is: 0 = N
There is no N used in Roman numerals, and VX is not valid. Perhaps you mean MMXII which means 2012.
Nomad numerals?
500 = D in Roman Numerals