This name is no where in the Bible.
Anabel is not a name found in the Bible.
No, the name Emily is not in the Bible.
The name "Austin" is not in the Bible. That name did not exist at the time the Bible was being written.
What does a name desiyana means or its meaning?
Scott was not mentioned in the King James version of the Bible.
I believe his name is Scott Stapp.
Andren Scott's birth name is Scott Marcus.
Scott Corwon's birth name is A. Scott Corwon.
Scott Cleverdon's birth name is Scott A. Cleverdon.
Scott Brownhall's birth name is Scott Brownhall.
Scott Peat's birth name is Scott A. Peat.
Scott Reichert's birth name is Scott McCrorie.
Scott Mogensen's birth name is Scott Mogensen.
Scott Mosier's birth name is Scott A Mosier.
The Hawaiian name equivalent for Scott is "Kauka."
I can not find "Robert" in either Scott Hahn's concordance (in the back of the Ignatius Study Bible or in his Catholic Bible Dictionary no in Strong's, and as I don't remember the name in any of the Deuterocanonicals, I have a feeling that it is not there.