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No. The little hand is the minute hand. The big hand is the hour hand. The long hand is not the big hand, it is the little hand. The short hand is not the little hand, it is the big hand. Grab a dictionary and research the meaning of big, little, short, and long. The shorter hand is the "BIG" hand because it identifies the larger unit of time < hour >. The longer hand it the "LITTLE" hand because it identifies the smaller unit of time <minute>. If you have missed this part of the concept of measuring time then you have been listeniing to a misinformed moron who just taught school for the paycheck and did not understand what they were doing.

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Q: Is the little hand the hour hand on a clock?
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What is the Little hand on the clock?

The little hand on the clock is known as the hour hand.

Which hand is the hour hand on a clock?

The short hand is the hour hand on a clock.

Is the Big Hand the Hour Hand?

Yes, the Big Hand on a clock is typically the Hour Hand. It indicates the current hour on the clock face, while the Little Hand, or Minute Hand, indicates the minutes.

Which hands are big hands and little hands?

The little hand is the hour hand on a clock, while the big hand is the minutes.

Why is the hour hand of the clock?

The purpose of the hour hand on the clock is to tell which hour it is. *

What did the little hand on the clock say to the big hand on the clock?

got a minute

What does four thirty look like on a analog clock?

the big hand is the hour hand and the little hand is the minute hand the big hand is on the 6 and the little hand is in betweenthe 4 and the 5 hand not cheating have fun:)

What is the big hand on the clock called?

The long hand is called the minute hand, the shorter fat one is called the hour hand. Based on historical design the BIG hand is the hour hand because an hour is bigger than a minute. Function first, then form. Traditionally clocks had fatter hands for hour and thinner hands for minute, thus BIG is hour and LITTLE is minute. Yes the minute hand is usually longer than the hour hand but on most clocks the hour hand is larger not just shorter. Don't confuse long, big, little, and short.

Which hand on a clock is the hour hand?

The short one Yes, the hour hand is traditionally shorter than the minute hand. However, the hour hand is known as the BIG hand because an hour is bigger than a minute. That means the minute hand is known as the LITTLE hand since a minute is LITTLE when compared to an hour. This is the historical explanation of the labels for the two hands, based on function an expressed in form by the hour hand having a broader, albeit shorter, design than the minute hand which is longer but narrower. Hour = bigger than minute = the BIG hand Minute = smaller than hour = the LITTLE hand

Which hand on the clock is the hour hand?

it is the short hand

Which hour hand represents hours?

The hour hand is the shortest hand of all three on a clock.

What do you call a clock that has a minute hand and a hour hand?

It's an analog clock. The BIG hand tells which hour you are in because an hour is the bigger unit of time measure and the minute is the smaller unit. The little hand tells what minute of the current hour you are in. Granted, most analog clocks have one longer hand and one shorter hand but they are correctly referred to as BIG for hour and LITTLE for minute. Think about it, function over form. Don't be a sheep, this is the original reasoning behind the size and shape of the hands.