Yes, it is. It was widely used in religious education programs in the 60's since its language was geared to the young. However, in recentyears the RSV ( revised standard version) Cathiolic bible is the preferred choice
The Good News Bible
Only 21 times that was in the Good News Bible.
Well, honey, the Good News Bible has a total of 66 books. So, if you're looking for some light reading, you've got plenty to keep you busy. Just remember, quality over quantity, darling.
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Gospels in the Bible are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The "Catholic Bible" is the Bible as used by the Church for two millenium.
The Good News Bible
Good News Bible was created in 1976.
The Good News Bible was first published under the name Good News for Modern Man in the year 1966. This book is an English translation of the Bible by the American Bible Society. Answer: The Good News Bible, formerly called Today's English Version was first published in 1966 and in it's entirety in 1976.
The Church is called to proclaim the good news to all mankind.
I recommend the Ignatius Catholic Bible, RSV Second Catholic Edition. Many Catholic scholars and theologians use this Bible and reference from it, however it is easy to read and understand
The motto of Catholic College Bendigo is 'Live The Good News'.
The motto of St. Theodore Catholic School is 'The Good News in Education'.
One can get updates on the Catholic Family News, by visiting the official website of the Catholic Family News. Catholic Family News is a general blog about traditional Catholic topics.
Only 21 times that was in the Good News Bible.
1966, 1971, 1976, 1979