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The Genesis account is not the actual beginning of the physical world - per se (see Genesis 1:1-2 and John 1:1-3). There is a 'gap' in time between verses 1 and 3. Genesis begins with the Earth already in existence and under water. The 'renewal' of the world begins in Genesis 1:3. The time of man and our present world is the question.

According to Archbishop James Ussher, from Armagh, Ireland, writing in the 17th Century, he came to the start date of 4004 BC reasoning that since Christ was born in 4 BC, the 4000 years of the 'Rule of Man' or 2/3s where completed and the final 1/3 or 2000 yrs are just ahead of course adjusting for the Error of Denis the Little dropping the year zero to start the Anno Domini part of the ages left with year 1. So we are actually living in the year 2010 less 1 year or 2009 as he did not count the year 0 requiring us to now subtract that error.

Another school of thought has Adam created on 3983 BC and equating to year 1 Anno Mundos or the start of the Reign of Man. This date is calculated by adding up the ages of the line of Adam to Abraham. So under this school of thought, the 6000 year Rule of Man is now at 3983 + 2010 years to equal 5993 less 1 year or 5992 Anno Mundus and would end 2018 AD. The 3.5 year reign of the Beast Power and the False Prophet will have to have started 1260 days prior to the set date in 2018 - say 2014 AD. If it is a good calculation amidst all the prior wrong calculations for the 2nd Return of Christ, it is really nearby.

What must also be included in these calculations is the lunar cycle years and not our modern solar cycle years (360 days vs 365 days). Also, the start date as God surely didn't count until He fully instructed Adam and Eve to His law and awaited the Fall in the Garden before doing so. How long was this period? Far too complex for me to venture a guess. The Bible gives us 'signs' of the times we are to discern before the final event begins.

But only the Father knows when but we certainly know each and every day we draw closer and the signs of the times are not improving - wars, greed, lust, gangs, terrorist, wars, disease, starvation, slavery, weather patterns, geological events. A general feeling of anxiety is once again brewing among the peoples of the world. Will WW III be the final conflict?

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Q: In what year did the World begin according to the Bible?
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