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(Moses lived to 120 years: Deuteronomy 34:7)

Scriptural Reasoning:

According to The Bible, mankind was created perfect and was SUPPOSED to live forever.(Genesis 2:7-9, 15-17, Genesis 3:17-19) After Adam and Eve's sin, any children they had would be born sinful and would no longer live forever (Romans 5:12). Gradually people died....after several hundred years initially, down to what we see today.

Methuselah lived 969 years(Genesis 5:27), Adam lived 930 years (Genesis 5:5), and the life span of the ten generations from Adam to Noah averaged more than 850 years each. (Genesis 5:3-31,Genesis 9:28+29; 10:25; 11:10-19) . At one point, God determined that he had limits, and would give people 120 remaining years before the flood would come and destroy the wicked (Genesis 6:3), during which time, Noah built the ark and preached to people about what was going to happen(2 Peter 2:5).

After Noah the average life span dropped rapidly.... 175 years around Abraham's time (Genesis 25:7) , then 70-80years on average around Moses time(Psalms 90:10), although Moses himself lived 120 years, his brother Aaron 123 years, Joshua 110 years, along with a few others whose strength and vitality were unusual. ; Numbers 33:39; Joshua 24:29).

God will soon make it possible to live forever, once again, thanks to Jesus' sacrifice. (John 17:3, John 3:16, Revelation 21:3-5, Psalm 37:11&29, Proverbs 2:21+22)

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago
I think the verse you’re looking for is genesis 6:3. But it’s 120 years. Not 125

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