The number 500 is represented in Roman numerals as "D".
Zero cannot be represented in Roman Numerals.
A nought figure is not represented in Roman numerals because the values of these numerals are self evident.
The number 40 in Roman numerals is represented by XL.
The number 99,989 can be represented by the Roman numerals (XCIX)CMLXXXIX
The number 5 is represented in roman numerals as V or v
The number 500 is represented in Roman numerals as "D".
Zero cannot be represented in Roman Numerals.
A nought figure is not represented in Roman numerals because the values of these numerals are self evident.
The number 40 in Roman numerals is represented by XL.
The number 99,989 can be represented by the Roman numerals (XCIX)CMLXXXIX
The number 99,989 can be represented by the Roman numerals (XCIX)CMLXXXIX
The number six is represented as "VI" in Roman numerals.
1000 is represented as "M" in Roman numerals.
Today 1,460 is represented by MCDLX in Roman numerals
The number 314 would be represented in Roman numerals as CCCXIV.
31 in Roman numerals is represented as "XXXI".