You should be approximately 43 years and 10 months of age as of June 2009
How old would you be if you were born on August 15 1992
you would be 31 years old.
About 45.
You would be 56 unless you were born on August 31st, in which case you would be 56 tomorrow.
how old would i be if i was born august 18, 1957
2015 − 1965 = 50 years old on 1st August 2015.
Amanda Tapping was born on August 28, 1965. In the year 2009 she is 44 years old.
Marlee Matlin was born on August 24, 1965.
1977 minus 1965 would make them 12 years old.
How old would you be if you were born on August 15 1992
you would be 31 years old.
About 45.
TV writer Brannon Braga is 51 years old. He was born August 14, 1965.
As of March 2012, someone born in August 1986 would be 25 years old.
In 2009, you would be 44 years old if you were born in 1965.
As of 2021, a person born in August 1951 would be 70 years old.