Some say so. I think the threat is to dissuade people from suicide, particularly when it's the result of depression, which is treatable.
Many people who do commit suicide are mentally ill and not considered responsible for their actions.
They go to hell. Unless they believe in god. Then they probably go to heaven.
The reason does not matter, you will go to hell if you commit suicide. That is if you believe in hell or heaven, that's just the Church's rules.
a better place than where you was when you was alive.
It depends what country you're in. Although in most countries, the answer would be no - there are some countries who view suicide as a criminal offence.
When the war is ended, soldiers come back to their families. Some feel really guilty and go slightly mad from the experience, then commit suicide. Also, some people whose family members have died in the war commit suicide.
Yes you go to Hell it is a sin to kill yourself if you are a child of God then the urge to kill yourself shold not be there. Again it is a sin and so stated in the Bible.
Firstly life isgods gift, not meant to be ended by suicide.It takes courage to commit suicide , but only cowards commit suicide, do not throw this life so easily . God gives life and god takes life. Those who commit suicide will go to hell.
They go to hell. Unless they believe in god. Then they probably go to heaven.
The reason does not matter, you will go to hell if you commit suicide. That is if you believe in hell or heaven, that's just the Church's rules.
The Bible does not explicitly state that a person will go to hell for committing suicide. Different Christian denominations have varying beliefs on this topic. It is important to seek guidance from a religious leader or counselor if this is a concern for you.
a better place than where you was when you was alive.
No, suicide is completely forbidden to Muslims and they shall not get to heaven no matter why they commit suicide. This is found in many places in both Qu'ran and Hadith.
Hamlet is considering to commit suicide or not to commit suicide (to be or not to be, respectively). Then he makes a long speech of how death is very lonesome and it is dark. His final decision is to not commit suicide and go along with his plan to take down Claudius.
to commit suicide
to commit suicide
Commit suicide
People who commit suicide go to Hell. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that suicide is a sin that a person cannot repent of, and that a person who commits suicide is guilty of not trusting God to provide for his or her circumstances. Self-sacrifice to save the life of others is not regarded as suicide. Most other denominations don't have any dogmatic beliefs about suicide because it is not plainly discussed in the Bible.