The name Mary was first mentioned in Matthew 1 dring the genealogy of Jesus. Mary was the virgin that gave birth to the Saviour. So she was technically mentioned in the old testament when they prophesied Jesus' coming.
The most important woman in the bible is the Mary the mother of Jesus, because she gave life to Jesus, and called "blessed among women."
The exact age that Mary was when she gave birth to Jesus is unknown, but most bible scholars agree that she was between fifteen and sixteen years of age.
Mary is thought to be between 12 and 18 based on the customary age at the time for girls to be married. The Bible does not mention her age, so it is purely speculative.
Two famously old women who gave birth to children: Sarah, the mother of Isaac, and Elizabeth, the mother of John the baptist.
She gave birth to Jesus. Ergo "mother of God."
Mary did not 'discover' Jesus, she gave birth to Him.
Mary was not the mother of all people. She was the mother of Jesus and is sometimes referred to as the Mother of God because she gave birth to a God-like man.
Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem.
no because Jesus is God and Mary is simply the mother. Now since she gave birth to the savior she is considered holy but is not more holy than jesus
Mary was Jesus' mother... there are two Mary's though... the other one was Martha's sister... Mary was much more patient than Martha when they were preparing their house for his arrival... When Jesus was there Mary washed his feet with her best perfume while Martha stared with disbelief.
The Virgin Mary's life was very blessed. She was the mother of Jesus Christ. She gave birth to him in a manger in Jerusalem.
Mary was the Virgin Mother. The angels came to her to tell her she was going to have a baby. She gave birth to Jesus, the son of God.
Mary was conceived without sin. Mary was the spouse of St. Joseph. Mary gave birth to Jesus. Mary remained a virgin. Mary was assumed,, body and soul, into Heaven when her time on Earth ended.
Yes and no. God is Jesus's father, he has no other parent, but Mary gave birth to him because God willed it. Depedning upon your definition of mother, you could say yes or no.
Mary Slessor's mother- Mary Slessor.
The Virgin Mary was the supposed mother of Jesus.Saint Mary, Blessed Virgin Mary, Virgin Mary, Queen Mother, Queen of Heaven, Holy Mary, Blessed Virgin, Our Lady, Holy Virgin, Christ Mary, and Mother of God. Mother of Jesus ChristWife of Joseph Lived in Nazareth